A Spiritual take on the Election
Commentary regarding America's election is largely a tale of two mindsets with half expressing, "It's a far, far greater thing that we have done than has ever been done before," and the other half: "It's a far, far worse thing you've done that you have yet to know." Institutional journalism, now in self-autopsy, wonders how they could have gotten it so wrong and ruefully state, "Well, at least we accept the results." (Although, watching election night returns, who else was wondering what happened to the 20 million more votes counted in 2020? A sincere query for both parties to consider.)
The emotional havoc placed on the Democrat party by its leaders have whipped too many of its electorate into a state of apoplexy, young people in particular, who want to fight for something they deem righteous and good. Still being youthful, with so much yet to learn, they can catch on to anger easily and we're again caught in the trap of being against something, rather than knowing what you are for. Far beyond politics, the process of the last 4 years was to bring more people to God - not a religious affiliation - but a personal conviction, a personal spirituality.
The Mayan calendar which ended in 2012 concluded a 5000 year earth cycle. The earth has growth cycles too and as it's here to support life, its cycles are intrinsically linked to the evolution of the human population. The degree of depravity allowed to dominate and run rampant upon the majority of US citizens of any political stripe, had become so devolved that a formerly mostly carefree and cavalier nation which held trade and status as gods, toppled those gods as they provided no security, no sanctum, for the escalating horrors and continual heartbreak, one after the other, so many have been experiencing.
In that great darkness many turned to light. They turned to light because in those moments there is no other logical place to turn. Spirituality also provides sanity when reason just can't get the job done. Beyond the ubiquitously declared "greatest political comeback," is an even greater spiritual comeback just beginning and preordained. We are entering the spiritual age & to rebuild existing decrepitude must be torn down. All of it. Nobody gets left behind. Whatever we need to awaken to the better parts of our nature - the truth of who we are - rather than continue to indulge ego-laden madness, will happen.
What has it taken for you? What will it still take?
A universal humbling is taking place. For everyone. Some may be humbled by the glory of such a power as Spirit they see in all things. Others will be humbled as they discover they do not have the control, influence, or power they assumed they had, and in so assuming, deluded themselves. How wonderful to be relieved of such falsehood and burden. We are very little on our own, becoming smaller still without the glorious largesse of a love-backed universe at our core. Spirituality is not for special occasions or Sundays: It is for everyday, and every moment when we become lucky and adept enough.
The Divine plan is marching on. You can either join in or have it march all over your face until beaten and bruised by your own resistance, you join in. You're meant to - we're all meant to join in. We're not supposed to be against one another but FOR each other. Until we can do that, however, many will get a time out, have to sit in the corner and think about why what was wanted and so strongly felt does not equate with outcome and begin to let go of trying so d---- hard to control things and get our own way. Self-reflection is a great gift when we're ready to open it.
It must be noted when countries devolve into banana republics, reversing course is almost impossible. Why should the United States be an exception? In pursuit of religious freedom did individuals leave everything behind, risk all and fight a war not only to be free of tyranny but to be able to practice religion openly and freely. No other nation has been founded by these inspired principles and rights. Oliver Cromwell's brutal period of suppressing religious expression and sustaining the ban on Christmas in England resulted in families secretly holding festivities in private. Dancing was banned. Any celebration or public displays were banned. People could not attend mass. Christmas couldn't be mentioned. Sound familiar?
In England and in much of Europe, so much hatred and unimaginable violence has been conducted by religious movements that God died there centuries ago with little hope of revival... until now. The demography who may have maintained an undercurrent of spirituality, no matter how small, were forced to flee to an unknown unsettled new land - it was that important to them - that land became America. Americans took this freedom for granted until recently. Now, for many a newfound respect and deference for that vital divine component necessary not to live but thrive has taken flight and come to life.
In many parts of Asia the Buddhist movement took hold and while emphasizing personal responsibility in our relationship with inner peace, placed the sanctity on Buddha himself, who did not wish to be lionized as such, having left his already exalted position of princehood in order to find an end to suffering. I have witnessed many times Christmas trees erected with foil and ornaments, hats adorned upon my hereditary countrymen's heads of red and white in celebration of the foreign season; but bereft of the heart, the spark coming from an understanding of what the man called Jesus did for the world & continues to do. That too, will change in this new epoch of now burgeoning spirituality.
Try though we might, without Spirit, suffering always persists. America has always been a unique place due to its embracing of spirituality, especially beyond religious didacticism. But, it is the feeling, the sincere connection with a personal, loving deity enacting the mysterious wonderment in people's lives with results spectacular to behold. We could ALL use more of that. When countries fall into ruin there's usually no route back, for example Sparta or Rome whose noxious and ever-increasing degradation took hold forcing decay sealing their doom. There's no path to recovery without a stronghold of spirituality upheld by significant numbers. When you kick God out the magic dies. What's occurred in the US, despite and because of it all, after many decades of rotting and festering is a legendary revolution of a return to Divinity.
The US is a beacon to the rest of the world who've been suffering under autocracy and oppression for decades. This rebirth is not about one country, but the world. If there's American exceptionalism it's because America is an exception. My parents arrived in the late '60s and were able to provide for their families, extended and beyond, in ways impossible were they to remain in Thailand. The class hierarchy defining many cultures (more prevalent than US citizens realize) keep people in "their place" unfairly; and limited opportunities are little affected by merit or ability. That's not to say there aren't great people or great work surpassing these almost insurmountable circumstances yet, even at her most defiled and downcast, still immigrants sought to come here, to America.
Abraham Lincoln said, "God must have loved the common man, he made so many of them." Common sense, common decency, common understanding and caring are uncommonly beautiful things. On the fringes are the 1%, the "powerful", the "privileged" and how unhappy they are when anointing themselves special for whatever reason without a spiritual center! Without a common understanding holding people together rooted in love and the wisdom of compassion, into the dust shall any country be blown, forgotten like Ozymandias, but with no Shelley to mock eulogize the stupid pride preceding their inevitable falls.
Here, the center became better and stronger due to the events of the last years. But no one's ahead or behind anyone else! We're all growing in our unique ways on our own time and nobody gets left behind! It's time now for those who wreaked unspeakable havoc, wrecked and destroyed with impunity; gleefully allowing pettiness to takeover; abusing themselves and others with such horrific heinousness - now an opportunity presents itself (over and again!) - for enlightenment, for contrition and a chance to begin again. No one is released from consequences of their own creation and - thankfully so- for this is how we grow!
Consequences are commensurate to behavior not as punishment but as a tool for evolution. Being subject to them, as difficult and as painful as they may be, is part of the process and part of the process described earlier: a complete breaking down of the past in order to rebuild to a community of Light, a World of Light we're destined to be despite all the hiccups, shenanigans, and shameful things we dumb humans do (often unknowingly) along the way. Hold on to your hate if you must but, remember, we receive in kind that which we put out (we are that powerful), so why not give Love a try? We're all heading that way for that is what you and I are made of. Sometimes we forget. Sometimes we have to find out.
What's at your center? Whoever you are, when we can quit blaming (especially ourselves) we free ourselves to face our center: the truth of how we live, who we truly feel we are -- it is this reality we must affect so we, too, can make a personal comeback. To abandon the false apparatus of our inferiority and move forward requires hard work. External factors cannot define your center or your strength and happiness is forever ephemeral, victim to the vicissitudes of winds outside you, things you cannot change, leaving you powerless. Well, get ready to say goodbye to that, too. A finer breed of man awaits you. Many meritorious champions have emerged from this penultimate period, heroes soon everyone will laud. To have mutual love and admiration among the peoples of the world for leaders of beneficence and magnanimity is a tremendous gift.
Like in 1952 in Oslo, when crowds took to the streets to celebrate Haakon's 80th birthday. Bathed in love and reverence for their leader a glow of light emerged from and pervaded the people. Lit from within they were with their shared feeling for this great man and that incandescence, that magnificent glow they emitted lit the film for a documentary filmmaker who assumed the footage was trash due to the fog, gray, and rain. I don't know who's luckier in those exchanges; those who get to love such worthy beings, or those who get to lead them, but it's a special kind of love heretofore unknown in the US, excepting perhaps the founding fathers who generated such admiration at the birth of the nation or the brief era of the Kennedy brothers' "Camelot." I can only compare it to the Thai population's love for the 9th king, Bhumibol Adulyaded, whose humility and example elicited sincere devotion, most deeply felt, and much to our benefit. This boon will soon manifest itself in the world, long awaited and much deserved by all.
In the final phase of demolition remains our monstrous egos and self-importance to be shattered and relegated to the trash heap, and about time, too, having wrought unending suffering. Anger and bitterness are addictions appearing virtuous and we can be afraid to give them up agonizing, "What would I be without them?" They look like self-empowerment but actually stop love from entering your life while draining all your energy & slowly killing you. Emotional incontinence has been the leitmotif for too many for too long and we must realize the damage done when emotions reign unchecked. YOU ARE NOT YOUR EMOTIONS. Consider angular momentum of a wheel: if you're on the edges you're flailing about helplessly and endlessly. Move to the center of that wheel and life becomes more manageable and enjoyable, too! More importantly, if you've been moving in a certain direction angular velocity takes EXTREME measures to stop. Then to start and go in a different direction? RIDICULOUS amounts of energy required!
But, it's happening for everyone in the unique way every individual requires. That's how personal, tailored, and loving this Universe is. You're incredibly important and the system in which we evolve daily, in each moment, wraps its omniscience and omnipotence about us like a loving security blanket placed perfectly to shelter you and heal you, protect you and absolve you. Let go of your vendettas - especially against yourself - who you cheat more than anyone. Accept this love and live from its intelligence. That's all you need do, then, more and more ensuring results and the magical unfolding of your divine life plan. You don't have to know how, just accept the love. Accept that you're loved. What will it take for you to allow yourself to be loved?
The real work is beginning: Introspection and deductive reasoning lead all to shared conclusions; light glimmering then glowing upon immutable laws of the Universe which can be denied, but will not be denied. Even our ignorance provides experience for growth and comprehension. How fabulous is that? Once upon a time when the Sons of God looked with favor upon the daughters of man, this planet was sent reeling into a staggering gargantuan gap between its advancement of technology and the inability to responsibly use it due to its war-like nature. That gap, almost unbelievably to all, is being closed slowly but inexorably, and the Children of God are smiling upon us again, bidding us welcome.
The emotional havoc placed on the Democrat party by its leaders have whipped too many of its electorate into a state of apoplexy, young people in particular, who want to fight for something they deem righteous and good. Still being youthful, with so much yet to learn, they can catch on to anger easily and we're again caught in the trap of being against something, rather than knowing what you are for. Far beyond politics, the process of the last 4 years was to bring more people to God - not a religious affiliation - but a personal conviction, a personal spirituality.
The Mayan calendar which ended in 2012 concluded a 5000 year earth cycle. The earth has growth cycles too and as it's here to support life, its cycles are intrinsically linked to the evolution of the human population. The degree of depravity allowed to dominate and run rampant upon the majority of US citizens of any political stripe, had become so devolved that a formerly mostly carefree and cavalier nation which held trade and status as gods, toppled those gods as they provided no security, no sanctum, for the escalating horrors and continual heartbreak, one after the other, so many have been experiencing.
In that great darkness many turned to light. They turned to light because in those moments there is no other logical place to turn. Spirituality also provides sanity when reason just can't get the job done. Beyond the ubiquitously declared "greatest political comeback," is an even greater spiritual comeback just beginning and preordained. We are entering the spiritual age & to rebuild existing decrepitude must be torn down. All of it. Nobody gets left behind. Whatever we need to awaken to the better parts of our nature - the truth of who we are - rather than continue to indulge ego-laden madness, will happen.
What has it taken for you? What will it still take?
A universal humbling is taking place. For everyone. Some may be humbled by the glory of such a power as Spirit they see in all things. Others will be humbled as they discover they do not have the control, influence, or power they assumed they had, and in so assuming, deluded themselves. How wonderful to be relieved of such falsehood and burden. We are very little on our own, becoming smaller still without the glorious largesse of a love-backed universe at our core. Spirituality is not for special occasions or Sundays: It is for everyday, and every moment when we become lucky and adept enough.
The Divine plan is marching on. You can either join in or have it march all over your face until beaten and bruised by your own resistance, you join in. You're meant to - we're all meant to join in. We're not supposed to be against one another but FOR each other. Until we can do that, however, many will get a time out, have to sit in the corner and think about why what was wanted and so strongly felt does not equate with outcome and begin to let go of trying so d---- hard to control things and get our own way. Self-reflection is a great gift when we're ready to open it.
It must be noted when countries devolve into banana republics, reversing course is almost impossible. Why should the United States be an exception? In pursuit of religious freedom did individuals leave everything behind, risk all and fight a war not only to be free of tyranny but to be able to practice religion openly and freely. No other nation has been founded by these inspired principles and rights. Oliver Cromwell's brutal period of suppressing religious expression and sustaining the ban on Christmas in England resulted in families secretly holding festivities in private. Dancing was banned. Any celebration or public displays were banned. People could not attend mass. Christmas couldn't be mentioned. Sound familiar?
In England and in much of Europe, so much hatred and unimaginable violence has been conducted by religious movements that God died there centuries ago with little hope of revival... until now. The demography who may have maintained an undercurrent of spirituality, no matter how small, were forced to flee to an unknown unsettled new land - it was that important to them - that land became America. Americans took this freedom for granted until recently. Now, for many a newfound respect and deference for that vital divine component necessary not to live but thrive has taken flight and come to life.
In many parts of Asia the Buddhist movement took hold and while emphasizing personal responsibility in our relationship with inner peace, placed the sanctity on Buddha himself, who did not wish to be lionized as such, having left his already exalted position of princehood in order to find an end to suffering. I have witnessed many times Christmas trees erected with foil and ornaments, hats adorned upon my hereditary countrymen's heads of red and white in celebration of the foreign season; but bereft of the heart, the spark coming from an understanding of what the man called Jesus did for the world & continues to do. That too, will change in this new epoch of now burgeoning spirituality.
Try though we might, without Spirit, suffering always persists. America has always been a unique place due to its embracing of spirituality, especially beyond religious didacticism. But, it is the feeling, the sincere connection with a personal, loving deity enacting the mysterious wonderment in people's lives with results spectacular to behold. We could ALL use more of that. When countries fall into ruin there's usually no route back, for example Sparta or Rome whose noxious and ever-increasing degradation took hold forcing decay sealing their doom. There's no path to recovery without a stronghold of spirituality upheld by significant numbers. When you kick God out the magic dies. What's occurred in the US, despite and because of it all, after many decades of rotting and festering is a legendary revolution of a return to Divinity.
The US is a beacon to the rest of the world who've been suffering under autocracy and oppression for decades. This rebirth is not about one country, but the world. If there's American exceptionalism it's because America is an exception. My parents arrived in the late '60s and were able to provide for their families, extended and beyond, in ways impossible were they to remain in Thailand. The class hierarchy defining many cultures (more prevalent than US citizens realize) keep people in "their place" unfairly; and limited opportunities are little affected by merit or ability. That's not to say there aren't great people or great work surpassing these almost insurmountable circumstances yet, even at her most defiled and downcast, still immigrants sought to come here, to America.
Abraham Lincoln said, "God must have loved the common man, he made so many of them." Common sense, common decency, common understanding and caring are uncommonly beautiful things. On the fringes are the 1%, the "powerful", the "privileged" and how unhappy they are when anointing themselves special for whatever reason without a spiritual center! Without a common understanding holding people together rooted in love and the wisdom of compassion, into the dust shall any country be blown, forgotten like Ozymandias, but with no Shelley to mock eulogize the stupid pride preceding their inevitable falls.
Here, the center became better and stronger due to the events of the last years. But no one's ahead or behind anyone else! We're all growing in our unique ways on our own time and nobody gets left behind! It's time now for those who wreaked unspeakable havoc, wrecked and destroyed with impunity; gleefully allowing pettiness to takeover; abusing themselves and others with such horrific heinousness - now an opportunity presents itself (over and again!) - for enlightenment, for contrition and a chance to begin again. No one is released from consequences of their own creation and - thankfully so- for this is how we grow!
Consequences are commensurate to behavior not as punishment but as a tool for evolution. Being subject to them, as difficult and as painful as they may be, is part of the process and part of the process described earlier: a complete breaking down of the past in order to rebuild to a community of Light, a World of Light we're destined to be despite all the hiccups, shenanigans, and shameful things we dumb humans do (often unknowingly) along the way. Hold on to your hate if you must but, remember, we receive in kind that which we put out (we are that powerful), so why not give Love a try? We're all heading that way for that is what you and I are made of. Sometimes we forget. Sometimes we have to find out.
What's at your center? Whoever you are, when we can quit blaming (especially ourselves) we free ourselves to face our center: the truth of how we live, who we truly feel we are -- it is this reality we must affect so we, too, can make a personal comeback. To abandon the false apparatus of our inferiority and move forward requires hard work. External factors cannot define your center or your strength and happiness is forever ephemeral, victim to the vicissitudes of winds outside you, things you cannot change, leaving you powerless. Well, get ready to say goodbye to that, too. A finer breed of man awaits you. Many meritorious champions have emerged from this penultimate period, heroes soon everyone will laud. To have mutual love and admiration among the peoples of the world for leaders of beneficence and magnanimity is a tremendous gift.
Like in 1952 in Oslo, when crowds took to the streets to celebrate Haakon's 80th birthday. Bathed in love and reverence for their leader a glow of light emerged from and pervaded the people. Lit from within they were with their shared feeling for this great man and that incandescence, that magnificent glow they emitted lit the film for a documentary filmmaker who assumed the footage was trash due to the fog, gray, and rain. I don't know who's luckier in those exchanges; those who get to love such worthy beings, or those who get to lead them, but it's a special kind of love heretofore unknown in the US, excepting perhaps the founding fathers who generated such admiration at the birth of the nation or the brief era of the Kennedy brothers' "Camelot." I can only compare it to the Thai population's love for the 9th king, Bhumibol Adulyaded, whose humility and example elicited sincere devotion, most deeply felt, and much to our benefit. This boon will soon manifest itself in the world, long awaited and much deserved by all.
In the final phase of demolition remains our monstrous egos and self-importance to be shattered and relegated to the trash heap, and about time, too, having wrought unending suffering. Anger and bitterness are addictions appearing virtuous and we can be afraid to give them up agonizing, "What would I be without them?" They look like self-empowerment but actually stop love from entering your life while draining all your energy & slowly killing you. Emotional incontinence has been the leitmotif for too many for too long and we must realize the damage done when emotions reign unchecked. YOU ARE NOT YOUR EMOTIONS. Consider angular momentum of a wheel: if you're on the edges you're flailing about helplessly and endlessly. Move to the center of that wheel and life becomes more manageable and enjoyable, too! More importantly, if you've been moving in a certain direction angular velocity takes EXTREME measures to stop. Then to start and go in a different direction? RIDICULOUS amounts of energy required!
But, it's happening for everyone in the unique way every individual requires. That's how personal, tailored, and loving this Universe is. You're incredibly important and the system in which we evolve daily, in each moment, wraps its omniscience and omnipotence about us like a loving security blanket placed perfectly to shelter you and heal you, protect you and absolve you. Let go of your vendettas - especially against yourself - who you cheat more than anyone. Accept this love and live from its intelligence. That's all you need do, then, more and more ensuring results and the magical unfolding of your divine life plan. You don't have to know how, just accept the love. Accept that you're loved. What will it take for you to allow yourself to be loved?
The real work is beginning: Introspection and deductive reasoning lead all to shared conclusions; light glimmering then glowing upon immutable laws of the Universe which can be denied, but will not be denied. Even our ignorance provides experience for growth and comprehension. How fabulous is that? Once upon a time when the Sons of God looked with favor upon the daughters of man, this planet was sent reeling into a staggering gargantuan gap between its advancement of technology and the inability to responsibly use it due to its war-like nature. That gap, almost unbelievably to all, is being closed slowly but inexorably, and the Children of God are smiling upon us again, bidding us welcome.