👾With all of the hoopla re: E.T.s a spiritual take is only pro forma! More is being revealed from all quarters, so, here we go-a! Bring it on. YAY!
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To think Earthlings are the only sentient beings around is a little like a tribe in the Congo completely unaware of the rest of humanity, and "anthropologists", upon discovering them, consciously decide not to introduce themselves - or let them know of life beyond their little green hamlet - lest they interfere with the tribe's natural evolutionary process. It's really that simple. Contrarily, but tangentially, the Bhutanese coupled an agricultural society with enough happiness to make a hard life a miracle-filled one for centuries, but their beautiful infrastructure has been collapsing slowly since opening itself to TV/internet in 1999, with alcoholism (before non-existent) on the rise after the comparison monster was set loose into the psyches of formerly wildly happy Bhutanese who found themselves, for the first time, being attacked by being in the world and of the world. Advanced societies would not bring forth such disharmony and, if wanted to be made known, would have done so long ago (and have in many instances and ways only deniable to those who wish not to puncture their delusion). It's possible to keep nastiness at bay for a time, but, each person is bound and capable to face and overcome any/all of it and that is evolution: One person at a time. Extrapolate and it's also one group of sentient beings at a time and we are hardly God's gift as a species! More to the point and to be self-effacing: Human beings on Earth kind of suck, and Spirit can/has/will do better but we are on particularly special territory due to circumstances labeling our planet not just a cautionary tale but one about which protocols/laws/guidelines for dealing with less advanced or primitive societies have been formed. (Suffice it to say, those frisky "sons of God" won't be mating with the "daughters of Man" anytime soon.)
Another analogy would be believing that only one breed of dog exists, while we know there are MANY & MIXES, all canines, each wonderful in their own way, none necessarily better, just different -- unless you have a chow! (I must say this or Emperor Peapaw will look for a new home.) In my travels I've met those who are fascinated with our "space brothers & sisters" but our brethren are not enthusiastic receptacles of infatuation and would avoid UFO hunters for, into "woo-woo" they are not. This is so not a big deal. "It's just like meeting a person from Thailand," I told one woman. "You've never met a Thai person before & now you have. It's just like that." Hoopla is so completely unnecessary regarding them, but since hoopla there must be, some live anonymously among us (these have got to be the crazy ones) a la Methuselah, quietly pointing the way forward, proving every path of every soul remains unique and who am I to deride the choice to live here on Earth -- after all -- we all made that choice, too. (You have more to do with your current circumstances than you may realize.) Contrary to some who believe we are regressing as a society-at-large we are, in fact, doing the opposite. The end of a Mayan 5000 year cycle famously came and went in December of 2012. Babies, like cycles however, come when they're ready and 10 years late in a cycle of 5000 is still on time by 99.8%. The baby is on its way and the labor pains are ENORMOUS. We're not regressing but identifying that which is debilitating human progress in a mass jettisoning of all falsehoods so that the next phase of evolution can begin. It ain't pretty, but it is time.
Littered throughout the planet discovered and undiscovered monuments, relics, build sites (of which no record or understanding of how/when/why they were created) point to the obvious (we are not alone) and phenomena abounds yet the world has been shielded from knowing definitively, with official information settling any debate kept from the population. Again, we must call on our own logic and interpret how you will the real life floppy-eared "Dobby" wandering off bored, bothering the humans' screen door and getting caught on camera. (What is life of any species to do with those teenagers, anyway?!!) But, it's much closer to us - to you - than that. It's part of our DNA, this merging of advanced civilizations with ours endemical and, here we are, juggling and dropping the balls of technology, weaponry, barbarism, and lust for power as we, as a collective, comprising the juggler, are not capable of keeping these pernicious balls in the air and they are falling, falling, falling. It's been proven that authority cannot nor should not be trusted; that you must rely on your own intellect and discernment to weed through and find truth. Know this: if you are confused/frightened/upset right now, you're not only justified, but things have been purposely designed to make you this way. Our friends know this and the gauntlet we must pass is to think for ourselves beyond the manipulated obfuscation and do so with Love. Each person who does so contributes that much more quickly to the aid we so need to move forward. But we must earn the right to it; we must make ready the world for the shift to a smarter, better, faster aka more spiritually loving gear: That we will arrive there is not the question, the question is how much bloodshed must we have first?
The threat is not from some extra-planetary force, indeed, we're looked at (most kindly) as kindergartners with explosives: Dangerous children who would probably turn and throw those explosives if they were to try and help. The threat is from ourselves to ourselves both as a society and as individuals - the battle continues within and without - you are that important and the stakes are extremely high. Because of this our friends remain close, continuing to help in ways that if this writer were to share you may or may not believe. All I will say is I'm grateful beyond expression for the love these "older siblings" of the universe continue to pour forth/display and only hope to prove more worthy of their selflessness & concern. They could have abandoned us long ago but in their way, never left. From the great flood of supposed allegory until now we have never been alone. They are getting ready to say "hello" as we're getting ready to say "goodbye" to whackadoodle-sadism (that's a nifty catch-all term for the foibles and folly plaguing our world). Each of us, however, is tasked with the deeper more immediate understanding of never being away nor separate from the presence of Spirit animating each of us. We share this universality -- immutable and absolute. We all belong to a Greater God, and that is the parentage & heritage we share. Now, I just have to make certain that Peapaw, upon finally running into a bluer-hued being, will not dream of being whisked away to a far drier, colder planet where the people are MUCH better looking and where, upon being presented as a gift, he is not farmed to be eaten or made an addition to the palace guard.
Part of Earth's status as a "tale of woe" is simply the merging of a still war-like, less-evolved species of human with a group far more evolved & technologically advanced who arrived naturally at that point along with its concomitant responsibility. The blending of the two created a matrix from which chaos springs easily but, within this matrix is also huge opportunity for growth, more rapid than on other spheres, so hurrah to you -to us- for taking it on! I'm sharing this because we have a right to know the cross-sectioning events belonging to all of us and the cross-section to which we all belong...
OMG, did I just read that?
≈it's time.
≈it's time.