Loneliness, a contagion spreading and staying longer than Covid, although a manifest counterpart to Covid, has done more to hurt populations around the world than physical illness. As negativity continues its campaign to take real estate in your mind, like squatters who are tearing down the property value, refusing to leave, hoping you'll give up and surrender what's yours to them; the struggle of the individual, each individual, is compounding. Though the time to plan & prepare for such unjust invasion is past, it's never too late to make a choice to rebel & chase out those who have taken billboards out in your mind that you no longer wish to see, for things you don't want to buy as their cost is too high when it's PEACE OF MIND or your INDIVIDUAL IDENTITY.
Anyone can be nudged in any direction, if the nudging is frequent enough one can sometimes believe the nudger is on to something and you should give ground from the persistence. Truth need employ no such aggravation techniques. You exist on, by, and BECAUSE of truth, the air you breathe in this moment tells you more about who you are than any talking heads you deign to listen to (including me). We'd like to hear someone tell us, explain it, show us... it's just easier that way; we can relate to it more quickly, and sometimes it even can give us a sense of "knowing" something, even if it's just a plank being held still long enough for us to walk on and over into shark-infested waters. The illusion of control for the clueless looks like the answer when, again, were one to analyze the very breath you breathe right now you'd GET a clue, instead of waiting for someone to give you the appearance of a lifeline prolonging your misery, and guaranteeing more loneliness.
What's all this breathing about? This is so way Buddhist, yes? Yes. And no. It's just that the answer is closer to you than you think. Loneliness is not the natural state for any person, it would be like not getting enough air -- it's unnatural. We are being walled off from one another in every way possible psychologically, still, turn within and you can never be lonely, for, LOVE is as close to you as the breath you're taking right now. That we do not recognize this shows how very far from our true natures we have come. It's easier to make a lie SEEM true than it is to ACCEPT the truth of who we are: Complete. Whole. Perfectly imperfectly perfecting. (Wrap that up in your judgment burrito and eat it.) The stuff of which you're made is divine & so are you. Let loneliness be your springboard into LIFE and not a plank to walk into death. Is it so impossible to believe that YOU, yes YOU, no matter how you've arrived to the state you're in now, will be the one to GET YOU OUT, RIGHT YOUR WAY and RESCUE YOURSELF? A great friend to all said it & we must believe him: "Know ye not that ye are Gods?"
How can anyone be mad at at a guy who said that and then proved it?
What do you have to prove? And to whom? Let Spirit be your guide and those answers become clear: We have held in greater esteem that which dies not esteem us. We have made mere humans what we worship, our fear of them, or desire or attention from them, whatever the version, all emetic and neurotic. If money and stuff is the means by which you answer those questions, the path is much further and greater back to truth, for, how much more foreign is it to rate the animate by the inanimate, to qualify life by that which is pulseless? What do you worship? If you judge yourself according to any lesser god, which is anything you've replaced TRUTH with, your good will stop accordingly. Your choice is closer than your breath and indicates how gloriously powerful you actually are: You have chosen to STOP your good by basing your life on something less than you are... and reaping the results! Look what you did! Well done, you!
Are you ready for more? This aching loneliness is the love you shove away from yourself consistently, it is the self-denial, the accepting of diminutiveness by one with the stature of a God. You can have as much love and good as you accept, no more. You are that powerful. Never forget that.
Anyone can be nudged in any direction, if the nudging is frequent enough one can sometimes believe the nudger is on to something and you should give ground from the persistence. Truth need employ no such aggravation techniques. You exist on, by, and BECAUSE of truth, the air you breathe in this moment tells you more about who you are than any talking heads you deign to listen to (including me). We'd like to hear someone tell us, explain it, show us... it's just easier that way; we can relate to it more quickly, and sometimes it even can give us a sense of "knowing" something, even if it's just a plank being held still long enough for us to walk on and over into shark-infested waters. The illusion of control for the clueless looks like the answer when, again, were one to analyze the very breath you breathe right now you'd GET a clue, instead of waiting for someone to give you the appearance of a lifeline prolonging your misery, and guaranteeing more loneliness.
What's all this breathing about? This is so way Buddhist, yes? Yes. And no. It's just that the answer is closer to you than you think. Loneliness is not the natural state for any person, it would be like not getting enough air -- it's unnatural. We are being walled off from one another in every way possible psychologically, still, turn within and you can never be lonely, for, LOVE is as close to you as the breath you're taking right now. That we do not recognize this shows how very far from our true natures we have come. It's easier to make a lie SEEM true than it is to ACCEPT the truth of who we are: Complete. Whole. Perfectly imperfectly perfecting. (Wrap that up in your judgment burrito and eat it.) The stuff of which you're made is divine & so are you. Let loneliness be your springboard into LIFE and not a plank to walk into death. Is it so impossible to believe that YOU, yes YOU, no matter how you've arrived to the state you're in now, will be the one to GET YOU OUT, RIGHT YOUR WAY and RESCUE YOURSELF? A great friend to all said it & we must believe him: "Know ye not that ye are Gods?"
How can anyone be mad at at a guy who said that and then proved it?
What do you have to prove? And to whom? Let Spirit be your guide and those answers become clear: We have held in greater esteem that which dies not esteem us. We have made mere humans what we worship, our fear of them, or desire or attention from them, whatever the version, all emetic and neurotic. If money and stuff is the means by which you answer those questions, the path is much further and greater back to truth, for, how much more foreign is it to rate the animate by the inanimate, to qualify life by that which is pulseless? What do you worship? If you judge yourself according to any lesser god, which is anything you've replaced TRUTH with, your good will stop accordingly. Your choice is closer than your breath and indicates how gloriously powerful you actually are: You have chosen to STOP your good by basing your life on something less than you are... and reaping the results! Look what you did! Well done, you!
Are you ready for more? This aching loneliness is the love you shove away from yourself consistently, it is the self-denial, the accepting of diminutiveness by one with the stature of a God. You can have as much love and good as you accept, no more. You are that powerful. Never forget that.
JUNE 2014 - "Finding Love in Everything"
(Words of Wisdom from Tyan, or just "blah, blah, blah" to Peapaw.)
(Words of Wisdom from Tyan, or just "blah, blah, blah" to Peapaw.)
"In the Chasms you find nothing solid to catch hold of in the outside world; you're falling and you must 'hold fast your heart.' When there is nothing else, what you hold onto will be the Truth. Light is renewed by the experience of darkness, and clarity arises from emotional depths."
Like old friends, might be nice to visit.
Like old friends, might be nice to visit.
struttin' peacockin' preachers
A challenge is like a dragon bearing a gift in its mouth: You can either get burned or tame it and get the gift. The new "road trip" is discovering who you are, at home, when you get rid of the extra stuff! |
WISE WORDS - The Addiction of NegativityEskimos drip blood on knives and hang them outside their camps. The wolves lick them and die. |
HAPPY IN ACTION - Tonto at DinnertimeGrace, good friends, good chow, and graciously picking up after others. Dinner should always be this special. |
(Press play to start the music.)