"Love Fool" no longer:
Applied Spirituality
for April Fool's
Anything RIGHT comes in SEQUENCE. People use their limited judgement and jump into situations too soon simply because they want the SITUATION and not necessarily the PERSON. The person is secondary to whatever criteria is deemed more critical -- money, looks, stability, education, race, religion, fame - whatever the myopic predilection for a match we've ratified with much less sense than desire - usually a selfish desire to rectify our perceived lack of importance or a nagging pronouncement we cannot escape - that we're failures and do not "measure up". These are all traps lying in a world of darkness where we'll be maimed, injured, and worse because these ideas all lie in the madness of meeting the world on its terms - as though they were true - without ever considering our own.
It is an almost unquestioned universal directive that one must have a romantic partner. Little reason goes into this ever-urging urge; much hope is placed into it as a panacea. How tragic then, to find, once having found it, one can be trapped into a different prison, but, now with a problematic cellmate who makes you long for sighing wistful days of naiveté, unabashed fanaticism of fairy tales with accoutrements giggling and gushing, blushing and beckoning; before reality twisted all that cheesy, chocolatey nonsense into a crucible fondue in hell you're forced to eat and pretend to like while it kills you slowly before you can admit to yourself or the world you've fallen into a crevice from an earthquake wrought by your own machination (so many ouches abound).
Yin energy of women particularly find themselves courting, even manipulating the chains later binding them. Yang energy of men, wishing to remain unbound, can be easily enslaved by their entitlement aka selfishness tying them to their stupidity. It is a saying worth being said again, "Women and men marry with a woman thinking she'll change the man and a man thinking the woman will never change." Both wrong, it's this impasse at the start which tears apart what was to fail to begin with. If one is to pursue a partner for any reason let that search at least be blessed and born from that eternal fount of good things: Inspiration.
Leaving the land of pits, traps, falls, and schemes can seem impossible, especially if one's unaware THERE IS A CHOICE. Being brainwashed consistently, early & often, does not abnegate your responsibility to get the hell out. We belong to the land of light: we are at our core energy, energy that both is, and is fueled by, LOVE. That love is self-contained, all within you, and one day you will awaken to its and your power, in your life. Inspiration means, "Spirit within," always instructional it leads you on your path as clearly as a street sign. Begin to notice moments of inspiration in the landscape of your past... There's a reason this phenomenon is depicted as a lightbulb going off over your head. You CAN see here. It IS light: It's divine intelligent energy within you guiding your way.
WHY, then, would this effective tool of mapping our inner and outer paths suddenly have to be sidelined when it comes to a potential romance? It DOESN'T and it SHOULDN'T. The people meaning most to you are not random. We have reems of past experiences which, though possibly hidden to you at this juncture, still drive the agenda of your current life. You needn't remember as you are the cumulative result of all those experiences (and experiences with others) and you and your Spirit are working the plan as best you can @your current level of awareness. If a relationship is anathema to you & you're exasperated at your inability to extricate yourself, dumbfounded at your surroundings surrendering hope of real happiness, take heart! You're likely working out a karmic experience and when you've learned what you need to it will end and you'll move on. Accidents do happen, people do make mistakes, but all will be corrected in time. Above all, treat yourself with as much grace and kindness you can muster. You deserve that.
There's an unfortunate conditioning that love or admiration deeply felt must be thrust into the realm of the sexual to qualify its vigor. We can find so much to like in others and all that bubbly esteem can make one heady and heady is more indicative of what we could do with that goodwill instead of heading below the belly button. This is leading us, as everything invariably inexorably does (factoring in time/experience), to our spirituality: The absolute love and beauty - who we truly are. The more good we see in others is a reflection of our own light. The ability to recognize good in others is a gift and more gifts come when we quit chasing our tails (or others') and decide to act out of Love first. When we look to Spirit first we begin to accept how deeply we're loved; we've never been abandoned, we are whole and in love with that which endowed us with such plenty with plenty more to come. We live from an unceasingly reverent place where miracles and inspiration are not so much commonplace as they are expected and delivered consistently.
When you can count on yourself to do the right thing by you, you know your careening blindness and pin balling about as a mere plaything of calamity (no, not merely that -- that you've actually offered yourself up to calamity -- that you are, in fact, calamity's bitch! ) are now part of a past in which you no longer wish to participate. When you discover your choice to act out of love and respect towards yourself , then life is no longer the enemy, its vicissitudes no longer your dictates. You claim your power by telling life what you expect (good things, luck you rely on) rather than life telling you, "Now, this is how it's gonna be: you have no choice and you're just gonna have to put up with it." If you're stuck and think you can't possibly get out, something somewhere has convinced you so thoroughly of your own powerlessness you started to believe it, too.
Because when you're able to set your terms, again, from a place of Love, this is when magical things start to happen and you can look for a mate but with intelligence instead of a shotgun, or playing Russian roulette. Even better Spirit will just plop the right people into your tropey lap and if that were only your approach with everything from the beginning, so much hassle and time wasted could have been alleviated, but, take heart! If you already knew how you would have, so, the experiences, the drudgery, heartache, or dumpster-diving was necessary to bring you to where you are now! Bless it, celebrate it, if possible! The nether realms are still under the auspices of Spirit and you, dear heart, always were & are, too, even as you've attempted to go it on your own. It's the learning that's the prize and to condemn what occurred to win it is another attempt at control in the dark where you will only fail once again.
Physical intimacy is not King of love, but to know others in the rarefied air of like-mind, the kick of the kindred kumbaya(!) - this is closeness far beyond physicality - and it's this love which serves and stays with us and, yes, YOU have individuals with whom a bond has formed and amplified repeatedly. It's just a matter of when the journey of increasing depth and camaraderie resumes. They may be a romantic interest, but, they can also be treasured friendships, sometimes family members (sometimes NOT), but these special people will always make you feel like you've "come home". They will help you grow, call you out on your crap, and make you want to be a better person and you, they. No sex required. No romance required. No strings attached.
So, if you must search for Love, do it out of inspiration. If you can, wait until it smacks you upside the head and DO NOT SETTLE because you don't want to be alone. If you settle you'll be tied up instead of free for the right person to come along at the right time (in sequence and not the flawed timeline you've imposed upon life). If we don't allow this bigger aspect of who we are to come through for us our results will always be small and disappointing. The genesis of our actions and decisions, & following through is what guarantees results. Come from inspiration, from Spirit, and great things must follow as they are born of greatness. Stick with the world's conditioning and you remain "Calamity's bitch" but hitched to an even bigger problem than when you were on your own. This might be ok for April Fool's, but, who the heck would want that for Valentine's Day??! ~t.
"It's Yummy Philosophy!"
New Thought reflecting upon itself = Love in Action