I am a song. Play me.👇 I am fun.
12 Gifts of Christmas for every month of the year!
Gift of AugustDo something wonderful for some else and don't get caught! The Christmas season is so special because we're thinking of others -- but thinking of others year 'round is one secret to an exceptionally wonderful life. So, "secret Santa" someone and you'll yield happiness dividends better than any material gift you could receive.
Gift of September!![]() Find your look. Your appearance and what makes you look great is specific unto you. You're not meant to just follow trends & look like everyone else. Start paying attention to what styles (hair, clothing, etc.) make you look/feel most like your best self. We're dressing up & playing a role everyday -- we might as well PLAY OURSELVES. We need YOU, not another imitation of an imitation.
(Be sure to open your gifts! Take them out & enjoy them for a personally sanctified Christmastime all year.)
Gift of DecemberCelebrate the gift of you! Creation & evolution co-exist within you: self-determination by divine design. The big picture is in place but we're here to fill in the details in our unique way & time while mastering life and helping others. Be glad for the lessons of the past... NOW onward and upward! We grow on & on & YOU get to be YOU. What greater gift is there?
Time to BE who you want and give away what doesn't work anymore!
Time to BE who you want and give away what doesn't work anymore!

Hallelujah Mandelbrot Formula!
Mathematical proof of self-determination & evolution
zn+1 = zn2 + c
Mathematical proof of self-determination & evolution
zn+1 = zn2 + c
"Christmas, children, is not a date. It is a state of mind."
-Mary Ellen Chase
thx 4 visiting CHRISTMAS 365 @Tont.org
Happy new year. all year. hallelujah.