Celebrating the enduring love of travelers who find & uplift one another again and again...
Real love dances across time, abides in every imaginable space, endures in every difficulty, and affects every outcome. Real love stretches beyond comprehension carrying us through an abyss of sorrow. Real love lives on forever and cannot die.
To "Waltz Matilda" means to travel. We are all of us traveling through time and will see one another again. Even if you don't believe in reincarnation, you should live like you do. Live long enough and you realize that "what goes around comes around" is not just an axiom, but a fact. Start cherishing your actions - treat them with respect - they're powerful and effect more than just your life. Think carefully about how you treat yourself: how you feel about yourself is evidenced in your actions. You deserve to be treated with love and respect, especially from yourself. We're all "Waltzing Matilda," universal travelers who will return to a universal rhythm and harmony, which is both a choice and an artform cultivated from, and by, all those go 'rounds... Keep truckin' Pooh, keep truckin'.
We have an eternity to learn how to make the most of NOW.