Time of New Thought is not a church or religious but, incase you're missing the church experience here to help you bring out your spirituality
An argument for how ridiculously loved you actually are...
Also, mistakes: necessary to growth. Expect them, forgive them, be grateful for them, learn and move on...
Your greatest gift is the freedom of choice. However dire the situation, no matter who, where, or when you are, you can still choose at any time to have a different attitude ~choosing faith over fear~ thinking differently, eventually doing differently and bringing into manifestation the results of your choices. This is not taken away when you die because that would mean you no longer have freedom of choice. It's a "God-given" gift and, no matter your definition of God, God is always greater and more loving than you think -- a loving parent wouldn't take away his/her child's freedom to choose (God loves you much more than that) -- and wants to help you become all you can be with inclusion standards including EVERYONE.
The soul is the repository for growth as you cycle round and round just as nature does. Like nature, we evolve as a species -- but spiritually individually, too. Let's wax sartorial dapper and jauntily: We are all clothed from the same universal rubrical fabric, subject to its laws, we can't just make stuff up out of whole cloth! If you've felt greatness within at some point that's your divinity (NOT to be confused with your ego) and with it comes self-determination within the paramaters of "fate", meaning you MUST evolve ~you're designed to~ so, join in & as you seek so ye shall find! Everything in life is not secondary to your spiritual growth but FOR your spiriual growth solely (or soul~ly, if you please! 😇). We cannot succeed forever conflating the importance of what fundamentally IS NOT. Every attempt to inject meaning into the frivolous (caveat creator) allows demons to trample that sacred world within and your spiritual sovereignty remaining unclaimed.
Turn on the light of love and they scatter back into darkness, cowards they are. Quit feeding them and their parasitic action can no longer be sustained. You have given them enough of your precious freedom and happiness. It is time for them, and you, to move forward.
You are forever, and will forever be growing, unless you so radically screw up you decide to opt out. This is rare, but, consider: Who could withstand the Sisyphean 90° mountain face of karma accrued when responsible for hurting so many individuals so heinously? Know this: Those abusing their freewill with such flagrancy inflicting egregious mass suffering will collapse into the abyss of their own destruction. (This may sound tiresomely Biblical, but these are Biblical times.)
Happier😘, for most, lies the path eternal: incrementally mastering steps to all cosmic dances (time in a meter of sequence over signature). Nimble cartographers & explorers are we, dancing and mapping trippingly as we go, on our light fantastic toes!* With eternity as dance partner you may think, "So, I can get to it whenever, right?" Yes, but, when we know our factoring in destiny, we'd factor to improve it right away! Any moment thrown away is lost, and though we can always choose to start again NOW, our regrets are often what we DON'T do. The universal phrase of wisdom born of experience ever elusive to the bravado of youth is, "If I knew then, what I know now, I would have..." Have you smartened up yet? Great. Let's get cracking.
Soul and personality are not the same. Personality is another tool we use for growth. It is the merging of our soul's understanding with the universal Spirit (the greater God spoken of earlier), wholeness in the physical when fully perceived, however fleetingly, until permanently. That "white light" seen and reported of upon death is the true reality. Think of Steve Jobs's last words: "Oh, wow. Oh, wow. Oh, wow." It's doubtful any man-made creation could elicit that response from this notorious perfectionist. How sad, then, it is when we tend to exist only in the vapors of the vast unseen richly grounding universe, where beneath the chaos all IS well (though teeth grit with disbelief as dark forces wreak havoc engendering lassitude, hoping you give up & inure, rather than fight and endure).
Visit that reality of LOVE and you will know what is so, then get ready to move there and stay there, not a "trash-plant" but a ***Resplen~sident.*** You will have peace and you will be fulfilling your soul's purpose which is 2-fold: 1.) To Grow and master life and, 11.) To contribute to humanity in your own unique and special way.
Mostly we must learn to forgive and trust, especially ourselves. How we handle mistakes, our own or others', is a good indication of how far along we are and how much further we have to progress. Wanna grow? Do your part, then let go, trusting in something Greater which treasures you infinitely: Accept this & call upon it with love & gratitude as it enriches your character.
Mistakes are necessary to the process of perfecting. When you earnestly learn a new piano piece and play a chord incorrectly, you need to take time to correct it. Perhaps you would memorize the chord, play it again and again until ingrained into muscle memory then do it correctly automatically from repetition. Even better is when we understand why that particular chord is right and it becomes a part of our thinking -- added to our flexible working knowledge through deeper comprehension -- then there's no need for memorization. We just get it and can apply it when needed. Next. ~t.
*Shout-out to Jimmy Milton
≈it's time.