Is enervation getting the best of you? Has the turmoil upending so many lives taken hold of yours as well? How are you responding to the unrelenting compression of this period? Has it made you smaller -- as it was designed to -- has it worn at your reserves of inner strength, have you become resigned to its malevolent presence and simply succumbed, tolerating at best, what you've deemed intolerable creating constant misery and bitterness. Have you given up on yourself & the possibility you are greater than all that seeks to diminish you; all that is proclaiming your powerlessness? Have you agreed that you just have to "take it" and in believing so it has engendered such bitterness that you have become unrecognizable to yourself? Well, welcome to the reality of your reality. Escapism of the past is simply that: past. Options once relied upon to relieve temporarily the stresses and vicissitudes of life have one by one taken away, those small pleasures and graces have fled into the past with the past and what remains is YOU, YOU when no one is looking, you and the way you truly feel about yourself, your life, the future.
Let us not mourn these once much more plentifully engaged activities of the past, they were for a different age, an easier more easily entertained one; frivolous mercies for a pleasanter existence for, when times are good the rewards come easier. In strife every victory is hard fought & won with decisions to be examined with discernment required far beyond other periods. You must make a decision: Will you merely survive this or do you have the wherewithal to demand a broader better option from both yourself and life itself? Will you continue to allow life to act as a force upon you as though you have neither choice nor capacity for an alternative or will you become the force which acts itself? We are each of us capable of channeling exhibiting and embodying great power; to be a force of nature as we're connected to nature and meant to evolve ever-increasing in depth, strength, ability and above all, increasing our ability to LOVE as it is the power back of ALL. No good can we do without it, no growth may we attain without its attendance.
Have you ever witnessed a pivotal moment when an individual decides no longer to be as they are and 180 it, ever transformed, observers often transfixed, wondering what, what made them finally change and for good? Perhaps it was even you! Timing, sequence brings this important moment into reality due to all which came before and therefore when someone is "ready" they will bring about the change that others may have attempted to thrust upon them in the past, too soon, therefore somewhat of a waste. You too will arrive at the point when who you are will point elsewhere and you will follow in a direction where the compass points to LOVE. Until then the big bugaboo is inertia. The events of the day have brought many to a place of being figuratively blind-folded on the floor awaiting helplessly the continued pokes of many sharp sticks, just trying to get through the humiliating activity hoping it will end soon, but, playing dead, only to realize we're not playing at it anymore than the externals are "playing" at cruelty. This is an out-and-out fight for your life & you better tear that blindfold off and get up off the floor it you want to have a chance of winning this fight -- and YOU CAN-- WE ALL CAN.
In every way possible inuration has become a personal specter haunting hovering about each person to pounce and pull into whatever personal hell your vulnerabilities lend themselves to. It's as though there's an evil spell cast upon you, created just for you, determined to undermine you & keep you caged in a prison of your proclivity, but you can only remain in this sorry state if you continue to bow your head to darkness & believe more in the worst of you than the best. Any indictment of the world begins with an accusation from within and when we agree, dangerously agree to subject ourselves to whatever from of self-punishment we are engaging in, we are proving the very power that has been granted us: If we hold ourselves back due to our indulged negativity and self-condemnation, then we can also act from a place of LOVE and free ourselves from our self-imposed or accepted position of subservience. Life follows as we command it therefore our condemnation (in any form) will engender fresh hell while our benevolent & sincere hearts will grant us Heaven on earth. How much hell do you have to be put through by yourself and the world before you decide you've had enough? I have said it before, the only logical answer in the end is Love, whether we deserve it or not is not the point: The point is it works and what exactly do you have invested in it not working that's so damned important to you that you continue to withhold it from yourself??!
Lack of worthiness at our core can stop a lot of good & create a lot of unnecessary punishment. Almost every person is unhappy with themselves or feel they're lacking something and it is this reiterating over and again, sometimes conscious, sometimes too painful to face, but it is the single most egregious fallacy often directing the course of our inner lives, this "not measuring up" that drives people to hurt themselves and others over and again constantly and without fail. Again, worthy is not your concern, you're meant to function and love you anyway. The other day someone asked me if I didn't think Donald Trump's pettiness wasn't wrong or less to be desired at the least and I responded, it's not the best thing but it's just a part of who he is, he also does a lot of things that help people, and the person said well, exactly, there are parts of you you may not like but we don't separate them we can still see the good that you do as well. We come as a big complicated package and we needn't single out aspects that are "wrong" to point out and then throw the whole person away. We have fine aspects, we have parts that must evolve, and all have a lot of growing to do. Not villains nor heroes but human and divine and to be a hero to yourself carries more weight than the world painting you justly or unjustly. The world has no responsibility to get it right: that is our job.
We're endowed with the ultimate gift, our freedom of choice, but we must earn the right to choose well. Whatever your current circumstance is testament to this gift for, you may change when ready, but if you still have something to learn from choices made resulting in your current experience, experience it with more love that you may gain the understanding to jettison these bonds and take flight into the next sequence of your journey where you will live up to and look up to the REAL YOU, the you in the making who exists as surely as I sitting and writing now & you reading as you are now. The conduit of goodness that is the real you exists in this dimension (and others) its presence more resonant and true than the you you know as "you", as close to you as your breath and heartbeat (closer), he or she IS and is igniting within you the aspiration of glory that is yours by birthright and yours to claim if and when you dare. As the oft-told story goes you are not the wave that is heading towards death and doom crashing upon the shore into oblivion but, look around you, you're a part of the ocean... You become the force of nature you already are when you accept the fact with love, and are willing to act upon this fact, with love.
For more about how to apply this talk please visit...
Let us not mourn these once much more plentifully engaged activities of the past, they were for a different age, an easier more easily entertained one; frivolous mercies for a pleasanter existence for, when times are good the rewards come easier. In strife every victory is hard fought & won with decisions to be examined with discernment required far beyond other periods. You must make a decision: Will you merely survive this or do you have the wherewithal to demand a broader better option from both yourself and life itself? Will you continue to allow life to act as a force upon you as though you have neither choice nor capacity for an alternative or will you become the force which acts itself? We are each of us capable of channeling exhibiting and embodying great power; to be a force of nature as we're connected to nature and meant to evolve ever-increasing in depth, strength, ability and above all, increasing our ability to LOVE as it is the power back of ALL. No good can we do without it, no growth may we attain without its attendance.
Have you ever witnessed a pivotal moment when an individual decides no longer to be as they are and 180 it, ever transformed, observers often transfixed, wondering what, what made them finally change and for good? Perhaps it was even you! Timing, sequence brings this important moment into reality due to all which came before and therefore when someone is "ready" they will bring about the change that others may have attempted to thrust upon them in the past, too soon, therefore somewhat of a waste. You too will arrive at the point when who you are will point elsewhere and you will follow in a direction where the compass points to LOVE. Until then the big bugaboo is inertia. The events of the day have brought many to a place of being figuratively blind-folded on the floor awaiting helplessly the continued pokes of many sharp sticks, just trying to get through the humiliating activity hoping it will end soon, but, playing dead, only to realize we're not playing at it anymore than the externals are "playing" at cruelty. This is an out-and-out fight for your life & you better tear that blindfold off and get up off the floor it you want to have a chance of winning this fight -- and YOU CAN-- WE ALL CAN.
In every way possible inuration has become a personal specter haunting hovering about each person to pounce and pull into whatever personal hell your vulnerabilities lend themselves to. It's as though there's an evil spell cast upon you, created just for you, determined to undermine you & keep you caged in a prison of your proclivity, but you can only remain in this sorry state if you continue to bow your head to darkness & believe more in the worst of you than the best. Any indictment of the world begins with an accusation from within and when we agree, dangerously agree to subject ourselves to whatever from of self-punishment we are engaging in, we are proving the very power that has been granted us: If we hold ourselves back due to our indulged negativity and self-condemnation, then we can also act from a place of LOVE and free ourselves from our self-imposed or accepted position of subservience. Life follows as we command it therefore our condemnation (in any form) will engender fresh hell while our benevolent & sincere hearts will grant us Heaven on earth. How much hell do you have to be put through by yourself and the world before you decide you've had enough? I have said it before, the only logical answer in the end is Love, whether we deserve it or not is not the point: The point is it works and what exactly do you have invested in it not working that's so damned important to you that you continue to withhold it from yourself??!
Lack of worthiness at our core can stop a lot of good & create a lot of unnecessary punishment. Almost every person is unhappy with themselves or feel they're lacking something and it is this reiterating over and again, sometimes conscious, sometimes too painful to face, but it is the single most egregious fallacy often directing the course of our inner lives, this "not measuring up" that drives people to hurt themselves and others over and again constantly and without fail. Again, worthy is not your concern, you're meant to function and love you anyway. The other day someone asked me if I didn't think Donald Trump's pettiness wasn't wrong or less to be desired at the least and I responded, it's not the best thing but it's just a part of who he is, he also does a lot of things that help people, and the person said well, exactly, there are parts of you you may not like but we don't separate them we can still see the good that you do as well. We come as a big complicated package and we needn't single out aspects that are "wrong" to point out and then throw the whole person away. We have fine aspects, we have parts that must evolve, and all have a lot of growing to do. Not villains nor heroes but human and divine and to be a hero to yourself carries more weight than the world painting you justly or unjustly. The world has no responsibility to get it right: that is our job.
We're endowed with the ultimate gift, our freedom of choice, but we must earn the right to choose well. Whatever your current circumstance is testament to this gift for, you may change when ready, but if you still have something to learn from choices made resulting in your current experience, experience it with more love that you may gain the understanding to jettison these bonds and take flight into the next sequence of your journey where you will live up to and look up to the REAL YOU, the you in the making who exists as surely as I sitting and writing now & you reading as you are now. The conduit of goodness that is the real you exists in this dimension (and others) its presence more resonant and true than the you you know as "you", as close to you as your breath and heartbeat (closer), he or she IS and is igniting within you the aspiration of glory that is yours by birthright and yours to claim if and when you dare. As the oft-told story goes you are not the wave that is heading towards death and doom crashing upon the shore into oblivion but, look around you, you're a part of the ocean... You become the force of nature you already are when you accept the fact with love, and are willing to act upon this fact, with love.
For more about how to apply this talk please visit...
"ROSES: take time to sniff 'em."
Asian Fusion: NOW, BABY, NOW.
TONTO: BIG people enjoy "LITTLE" things!
Get With it: Time: it's gone in the blink of an eye
What has come to pass August 4-10, 2013
Nothing causes more unnecessary mistakes or regret than hurrying!