Not enjoying your life? GET YOUR MONEY BACK and invest it where it will give the greatest return: By focusing on your peace of mind. If you don't invest in it, whether through time or other resources, you've got no right to complain!
Hey, all you recovering perfectionists! Quit trying to make everything around you perfect, and work on being perfectly kind, loving, and patient to yourself. When we give up control is where real happiness begins... 1. Every time you become self-critical repeat, "I love and accept myself with all my faults and weaknesses." The more you repeat this the more you will see that you are perfect, right now, just as you are. |
Promise yourself that you will no longer hold a grudge against others or yourself. Remember you are worthy of love and deserve to be happy. You don't have to be certain about yourself, you just have to be certain that to side with love is always the right thing. 2. Treat others with respect no matter how they behave. This puts you in charge of your life -- and not them. |
Negative thoughts distract us by 1.) Making us think they're real, and 2.) Keeping us from what's truly important. Tell your pesky thoughts to shove it, face them and the lies that continually make you feel inadequate or inferior. 3. Forgive yourself for any wrongs, real or imagined, b/c then you can get on your path and contribute: which is the point.