the mandelbrot formula:
around we go!
Viva La Mandelbrot Formula! zn+1 = zn2 + c
ready, freddy? you are always free to choose ur reaction. choose love & respect for yourself. don't allow others to poison you with misery. master the challenge before you, love & bless the circumstances you're in, grow & get ready to move on. |
"Evidence of the Love of God"
The external always conforms around the capacity for love. Exhibit 💜 regularly & watch your circumstances change to serve that powerful LOVE. |
Celebrating the Mandelbrot Formula & what it means, round 1, get it??!😉 ToNT.oRg, spiritual much?
"You are what you're becoming & mastery through evolution is how you earn the right to it." ~Tyan
The perfect you as a seed has been planted:
You will grow, nourish, & shelter others, embodying More & more of what you already are, however, Self-actualization is not for wussies. 😱 U R here 2 earn the right to all you already are. |