Hail, all you noisy Thunderclouds! Tired of all the stormy drama yet? Here are some Tips for letting the Sun come out...
Anger is an expression of powerlessness when directed to no constructive end... If you're to be angry, use it to make the decision to, once and for all, do what's right: to fight for your life out of a place of LOVE, the real source of power.
Harness the Fear |
Quit Fingering the PastMany things that happen when we're young we have no control over, but, looking at this line of suspects reminds us it's ridiculous to blame a child and ridiculous to blame one's self for what happened in youth. You were a child and did the best you could. It's time to quit blaming yourself for what went wrong and start loving yourself AND your past -- it made you who you are -- and will make you better when you let it. When you can forgive you, you can forgive others their mistakes too -- true grace.
Fear is misplaced faith. Fear is misdirected energy. Repurpose that fear by allowing it to fly and channeling the good from above, meaning, find something higher, bigger than the fear and allow that fear to be a channel for GOOD. LET IT FLY and LET THE ENERGY be charged into something you CAN USE.
Exercise: so quick & easy it's practically cheatingThe happy dividends exercise yields are so great it can seem too good to be true. So, why is it so hard to do consistently? It's a matter of enjoyment over punishment: If we have an issue with blame or guilt we're in a punishment mode and, ergo, exercise becomes a chore instead of being fun. The less we blame and instead, take responsibility for ourselves, the more we actually care for ourselves -- this automatically includes exercise!
Get over yourself to find yourselfLet social media "swim with the fishes" a little more. Social media can be useful when you're in charge, but, if you're not careful, it can takeover your life and leave you dissatisfied and frustrated from a lack of purposeful direction. Spend too much time here and your insides will start to buckle... There's plenty of life to be lived that shouldn't be chronicled or shared.
The freedom that comes when we're not being self-conscious is so necessary to our mental health & well-being it's supremely important to give yourself enough time to become fully engrossed in activities that aren't about contributing to your personal media empire. There has to be stuff JUST FOR YOU, in the beauty of solitude, that you can relish. If you suffer from the habit of blame, it is in this sacred space that you can heal. It is by going deeper within that we discover how great we can truly be, not simply by sharing more of what's on the surface. |
If you're hanging on by a limb, you might as well enjoy itFeeling a little desperate like you might not make it? Remember, what has come to pass has not come to stay... No matter how discouraged you may be, there's always something you can be grateful for, and, when you can be glad for the lesson that comes with your current state, you've already begun to overcome it! Discomfort can be nullified when we quit fighting it and accept it, instead, with love. This mental jujitsu with yourself keeps YOU in charge, not your circumstances or emotions, not those negative thoughts or that big jerk voice from within that's loudly yelling things will never change. What's holding you together is the REAL YOU, and it can never be diminished, is ever present, and always at the ready whenever you ask: that's LOVE.
Quality over VolumeThe problem with negativity is it can overwhelm just from sheer numbers. It seems like there's SO MUCH OF IT and you may give it more credence due to volume... BIG MISTAKE. Great things are like great friends, they may be harder to find but they enrich our lives and have the most impact. FOCUS ON THE BEAUTIFUL MOMENTS because they are more true than a million negative experiences. They may be fewer in number, but, are so much deeper in meaning and -- it's the meaning that will last -- while everything else falls away.