We have all kinds of experiences experiencing life until we master life itself.
Evolution & Self-determination
(with a special shout out to the ladies!)
The journey starts with loss and ends with knowing nothing can be lost. Then the journey begins again...
A spiritual woman’s most difficult mission is to first learn to be true to herself.
Her highest ideal is the ability to make good decisions both in the moment, if needed, or to take as much time as is required to arrive at the most spiritual (loving & intelligent) conclusion according to her current level of awareness. She is to understand and use the strength of gentleness (as she is fiercely powerful) and to accept her permanent role in bringing forth the betterment of humankind (particularly with whom she has the most influence). She is vigilant on the removal and annihilation of any obstacle whether external or self-imposed that prevents her from being reliable to herself, is harmful to her, or confounds her.
Any teaching that causes her to belittle her worth or cheapen herself whether due to bad habits or indulging another’s lower nature should be avoided. She should find easily comprehensible principles producing reliable results that do not cause her harm or disrespect.
Imbalance occurs when dogma replaces what is organically sensed, measured, or experienced by the individual as true. Progress as an individual cannot be made until the manifest causes of homogeneity are removed. This betrayal of self is evidenced by chronic imbalance. It is inconceivable to move forward while simultaneously ignoring persisting symptoms of interior imbalance. It is preposterous to believe imbalance can be healed by the same ideology that engendered it. What is unknown, whether by sense, measurement, or experience by the individual, cannot permanently address the manifest causes of imbalance because a “grafted on” paradigm exists only on the surface of being. Any ungainly foreign construct requires significant effort to maintain. Whatever lies we try to make true, no matter how earnest, drain significant time and energy while also extinguishing natural intellect. Our inclination is towards balance but if we insist on carrying the burden of falsehood we will one day tire from the strain and it must fall and break. Then we may be ready to proceed. Only what can be proven to ourselves by ourselves can restore balance.
If a person clearly identifies what is to be balanced, and has developed a valid process of authentication (validity is when the process produces peace of mind) she must then adapt what she has authenticated to what she has identified. This applied method, if consistent and sincere, ensures balance. Adaptation involves suitability: Is this the correct action for this particularity? Can it then be improved? It includes preparation: Is the behavior carefully considered then practiced and released first in mind? Viivid preparation produces options unavailable when merely reacting to physical circumstance. Refined behavior is the product of quantity (number of tries) and the correct time period. The factor of time contains not only the efforts, but also the cumulative wisdom contributing to advancement. Standard measurement of time is irrelevant. The only value of time we are concerned with is the interval required to fulfill the current module in sequence.
If the individual knows her obstacles to recovery and has the awareness that restoration is immanent (wholeness set into destiny through her choosing) then, utilizing her judiciousness and rationality over emotion and whim, she becomes that rarest of entities: Intelligent power propelling evolution forward.
She is careful to preserve her own mind, eschewing that which deranges her. She is diligent in removing any subversiveness undermining her dignity. In doing so there is no punishment or vindictiveness, nor perceived winning or losing: one simply cannot keep what has not been earned. She will allow into her inner circle only those who can love as greatly as she. Her true family will be supportive and help her bring out her best without unfairly abusing advantage, and with no individual member taking more or taking away from the harmony of the unit. Above all, each person must be free to love and be loved without obligation or manipulation.
Any competition that ranks beauty or creativity is inherently flawed because judging is subjective. The outcome of such contests are useful only in revealing to its participants any acute deficiency in self-image. If any subsequent negative effects become chronic it is due to an underlying causation; a fundamental lack brought to the surface like a scab that has been torn off a wound that will not heal. Now the work is to be done... considering her physical constitution, her character, her habits and mode of living, her domestic relations and social dynamics, her response to societally imposed sexuality vs. her own, all factor into how deeply perceived rejection will impact her; or how much she identifies with that which is externally awarded. Whether it appears as “loss” or “gain,” when such high value is placed outside herself, it will eventually produce disappointment. The only comfort for a “winner” suffering from the delusion of superiority is that she has fooled enough foolish people into envying her perched position on a sinking ship they all share.
There is an inordinate obsession on beauty and, as obsessiveness dictates, a complicit relegation of sense experience in its perpetuation. When prejudiced by gross appearance, material valuation, power plays; in short - the sensationalistic and the spun - she deviates from a healthy state of mind and becomes an individual of dis-ease. The compromise of the individual in pursuit of illustriousness may be imperceptible (especially when remarked upon approvingly by those around her), but the extent of her sublimation of self is always unveiled when her dreams and reality collide leaving her wanting. Happily, the death of an illusion marks the birth of a practical, useable truth. With requisite vigilance should she follow where truth leads to see it grow beyond its vulnerable infancy. Trading one form of perniciousness for another would be inconceivably stupid to any observer, therefore, she should observe carefully any malice, self-directed or otherwise, and be diligent in its eradication. While unfairness may surround her, she has little hope of breaking free if she is also unfair to herself, tying with her own hands the very noose around her neck.
Whatever adventure you’re embarking upon, whether it’s marriage, a contest, schooling, or a new job, you’re still going to have to face whatever problems you’re facing right now. Nothing that happens to you, no one you meet, no amount of money, notoriety, or beauty will exempt you from having to face and overcome your personal challenges... they can only stall you for a while. You may believe you are following the prescribed “right” route towards success, but, you will still have to deal with whatever mess you find yourself in, and you are the only one who can clean it up. Thank goodness we have innumerate tries to get it right and "all the time in the world for love -- nothing more, nothing less -- only love."