"At the end of the tunnel, no matter how long, is light, always light." ~Tyan
Beyond gender, race, nation, even family you are YOU. honor this and create heaven right here on earth simply by daring to be you.
1. What gets your happy on exciting you to LEARN and DO MORE? Pay attention to what inwardly motivates you rather than being outwardly directed.
2. Move beyond "should" to soul-satisfying: happiness lives here.
3. When we're hurting we tend to hurt others, so, take a risk: Honor yourself & uplift all humanity.
How fun is learning when it's a subject you love??!
Click below. 😉🛫🛬
You don't need LIKES or have to be the BEST at something... You just need to be the BEST YOU and LIKE what YOU'RE doing! 💞😍💟
No matter how old you are or what's happened to you, it's never too late (or early) to start YOUR life! Through self-respect & love authentic living thrives, always serving a positive purpose in our world. 🦋 🐛🎉
You are the hero you've been waiting for... You may not believe it but one day you will and what you're going through now, as hard as it is, is important to getting you there.