Double dog dare 'ya
love, spirituality, happy first:
Change follows.
Tyan does a ditty to ring in the New Year🤠
Auspicious wishes to All! 🌖🌊
love ~t.
Auspicious wishes to All! 🌖🌊
love ~t.
(For Dr. Luengkasorn, Dad, & You.)
Happy ALl-year & first week of January!
Here we go again
"I didn't believe in reincarnation in my 3rd to last life, either."
(Clearly this showboater didn't get enough the last time around.)
Reminder to self: Visit ToNT.oRg, ALSO cheaper than therapy.
Please play song while enjoying SLIDESHOW BELOW.
Billboard Bonfire🔥
Time to shift from what we lack, lost, or require & prepare the fecund soil of mind for the future: So constant is our need for Love, did you know TO LOVE can be the answer instead of waiting "to be loved?" Why wait for affection like a neglected child -- we are no longer children -- why wait any longer?
Love is love, given or received it not only balances, it restores. Therefore, love where, when, & how you can as best you can and you are whole. To succeed is to "love enough so as not to stop the flow of good in one's life." If you cannot yet love yourself then love others, and then love your own incapability to love. There is no realm in which love cannot prevail -- no aspect it cannot improve. Could it be finding in yourself love & company worth keeping is the patent message and latent gift? Dare you open it?
REALLY LOOK: Who's taken billboards out in your mind for things you no longer want when the cost is PEACE OF MIND and autonomy? The ads, no matter how they "appear", are selling misery (if you're miserable right now you're a customer) but, if you've unconsciously participated in your suffering, you can also consciously create a better state. Think you can't? Find that billboard in your mind and set fire to it b/c you can't afford lies that both cost and rob you of happiness.
Still, we'd like to be sold something, for someone ELSE to explain mysteries belonging to no one above another as they're attained sequentially along the journey by one and all. Let there stand no proxy between you and the Greater God, let no one supplant your sacred honor, rebuke NOW any sense of undeservedness or incapability. Apply assiduously your own examination & empirically so (for, what is empirical proof if not evidence of laws universal & immutable?). No tabula rasas are we, when a fresh understanding is born unto any being, it is still older than time itself.
Is it so impossible to believe that YOU, yes YOU, will be the one to GET YOU OUT, RIGHT YOUR WAY and RESCUE YOURSELF? A great friend to all said it & we must believe him: "Know ye not that ye are Gods?"
We have for too long held in too great esteem that which does not esteem us. We estrange ourselves (from ourselves) rating the animate inanimatedly, qualifying life by means inferior, granting powers to others over us that can never be earned and therefore abused. What lesser god do you adamantly worship (no matter how unworthy) and is thus limiting you? You STOP your good by basing your life on something less than you are. Misery is consistently shoving love away from yourself. It's self-denial & an attempt to carve into diminution one endowed with the stature of a God. (No wonder you're miserable.) You can only have as much love and good as you accept, no more. You are that powerful. Never forget that.
enjoy yourself!!
≈it's later than you think.