Happy Hints for ADDers
"You Time" is MandatoryADDers need down time to function and process all the events and emotions that come with ADD & hypersensitivity. "Spacing out" is really giving our brains a rest so we can come back rejuvenated and ready to go. Without this vital time ADDers become increasingly agitated and symptoms worsen. If you have ADD, give yourself this break, then give yourself a break for giving yourself a break! If you have ADDers in your life, remember -- they're not being lazy -- they need time to let go fully so they can get back in the game of life and actually win!
Be aware of Unnecessary DramaGimme my drama! Gimme my fix! If you're always looking for things to be perfect, or suffer from procrastination, you may be motivated by drama and recognizing this can stop all of the, well, drama! ADDers can wait until the last moment to get started (or even until it's too late) because what we're looking for is motivation to get moving. But, waiting until you're forced to act (drama) means you wait until you have no choice reinforcing a sense of helplessness. If you experience this, consider looking into amino acids, like l-tyrosine, that provide a dopamine boost to get you going easily. ADD brains need help to function properly so don't beat yourself up (unnecessary drama) and, if nothing has helped in the past, take heart! There's always new therapies and breakthroughs being discovered: be open to trying them when you're inspired and -- it's possible -- a real miracle could happen... the best kind of drama. ;)
Q: Do you watch news and find yourself getting upset or overly excited?
A: Take a break from anything that riles you up or makes you angry. ADD is hard enough and when our emotions/thoughts are negative it stops the action of our brains as well. Take care of yourself by looking for things that make you feel happy, calm, and peaceful.
Day or Night, honor your CyclesAin't nothing regular about the cycles of ADD folks and there ain't nothing wrong with that!
If you have an ADD brain you're not going to behave like a "normal" person. You will have unique cycles and it's important you pay attention to them so you can take advantage of when you're most productive. Granted, life does not always allow for this and you'll often have to adhere to standardized rules, but celebrate your optimal cycles at any opportunity, instead of trying to fit into how things "should" be. When you function best is important to honor, no matter how unconventional it may appear to others. (They don't have to understand -- but you do!) Appreciate the concern of others, but get in your zone (or time zone!) and be proud -- you're doing/learning/discovering things in your own special way and, when you do, these are likely the happiest moments in life: Just you and your unique brain doing the fantastic things you were meant to do, in spite/or because of your ADD brain. |
If you have ADD -- you're selfish if you DON'T take time for yourself. You know you need it, so take it! Turn off those devices and just SLOW DOWN -- your brain, and everyone around you will be better off for it!
Beware ye Caffeine or Hydrate!You love it. You crave it. You NEED it. I get it: coffee is practically a religious ritual, sacred and not to be messed with. Trouble is, see the grumpy rabbit? Coffee stimulates ugly aspects of ADD, and while you may feel happy momentarily, the dehydration of your brain is also occurring and the result is epic ADD symptoms! Therefore, if you must caffeinate, make your mantra, "hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!" Drink PLENTY of water along with your java for happy jabber and thoughtful actions rather than provoking the cuckoo-crazy-beast that rages and rollicks wildly with hyper-exacerbated ADD.