Oct. 2024!
"You're Golden"
Part II
Part II
First, if you're in such a state, you have to acknowledge it, awareness is key to change. Toxic positivity is bandied about but much more prevalent is "persistent negativity." If every little thought is in effect -- a prayer -- what, exactly, have you been praying for??! You can't help being the powerful creative force you are, even if you're unconscious of it. If you're subsisting on established patterns from long ago, like a bunch of texts taking up space you weren't aware of, invading and pervading the NOW to the point where all you're doing is living in the past, reacting as you were trained long ago having never confronted it -- or deleting it -- this parasitic action demanding so much attention and energy to maintain while you lose your life twice over: First, to the blood sucker draining you to survive; second, to the preoccupation preventing you from getting to the good stuff, the REAL you, buried underneath all the pernicious thoughts & memories.
Secondly, if you're suffering with persistent negativity, know you can actually choose a different response: You don't have to take it or tolerate what hangs over your head as you add more & more weight to your sword of Damocles ready to drop from the accumulation of your psychic hoarding.
It matters what you do. It all matters.
Back to the mountain of texts...
As I began to enjoy the deleting process on my computer I recalled we can all begin to absolve the once deemed tragic & with a little fun for once! We ascribe perpetually "right, wrong, good, bad" as creatures of judgmental categorizing. The need to categorize can come from a tendency to control due to our unease re: the uncertainties of the world, within and without. Quick designations often lead to bizarrely strong attachments to our ad hoc snap judgments due to the need to be right, paramount for the insecure. When living from fear, the entire lack-of-thought process is an act of delusion-preservation.
Those consciously on their spiritual path can't afford a lack-of-thought processes of any kind. Clinging to what you knew, even if those revelations were sung by angels descended from heaven like "Josh Groban to deliver unto us gold records," (see "Glee") that's still in the past. NOW and what WILL BE are what counts. We can and should be grateful for all those stunning incidents where/when across the veil of ignorance comes an undeniable act of God. These always promise how important you are, despite your idiotic protestations, and remain to light the way. Bringing us into today, simply accept Spirit will never fail you -- cannot fail you -- that you're unfailingly loved despite your attempts to reject it.
To be open to the gifts of NOW, it's time to let go of all those little things we "let slide" & become meticulous in the language, the imbued language we use upon our existence, mind, body, & being. Listen to what you REALLY tell yourself and be ready with that delete button! If it's not serving you it's not just unimportant but detrimental. You have the choice, but not the right to treat yourself so unjustly. You were made by divinity & belong to it. Start acting like it. Start THINKING like it.
Your misery may be great -- God is greater. Paul Tillich when, in speaking of God, would explain that God is always greater than you think... Whatever your understanding, God is beyond it. This is why I call "God" the "Greater God." Have you really let Spirit into your intimate life enough to see what It & you can accomplish together?
If you're loved enough to choose a course leading to your oblivion, you're more than loved enough to choose enlightenment & be given all the support you need to achieve it, but it will be your achievement. Buddha under the Bodhi tree is not the only blessed soul to transcend and ascend. This is both purpose and fate for us all. Dawdling in the darkness needn't be permanent. There's hazard in this choice and, like a mighty tree felled by termites, you can go down, too.
Kick fear to the curb with ToNT.oRg!