As the spiritual burgeoning continues, according to plan, we see institutions of the past can't address the evolving culture and religion should not be faulted for its deficits in fulfilling the need for authentic communion with Spirit, for, dogma of the past was created in that time according to the myriad purposes of its founders.
What's divine endures, however, and the great teacher called Jesus shouldn't be faulted either for those who just give God a bad name. Sincerity is key when penetrating confusion and on the other side is the universe responding to the energy we place into it but able to give so much more as we expand our understanding and acceptance.
To actively Love is the real work of every spiritual seeker. When activating Love we become spiritual finders and, as the adage goes, "You find what you're looking for." If you've been trained to feel "wrong" or "unloved" YOU should not be faulted for this, either. You'll likely make stuff up just to maintain the continuity of your unconscious paradigm. Chances are you also have a "drama quota" you're compelled to fulfill! Growing up in an environment of stress and self-loathing under the guise of "familial love" can mean you reproduce these circumstances time and again b/c a pattern remains to be upended.
If you've been conditioned into powerlessness; no one listening when you hurt or needed help; mocked, not taken seriously; praise absent but consistently punished; made to feel "never good enough" and overall traumatized in your youth, you've got quite the inner mountain to conquer. Demoralizing circumstances occur regularly and no one is guaranteed a happy childhood resulting in a healthy self-image. Abuse of power exists from macro to micro -- the aim is breaking free through Love, to triumph and summit -- to pick yourself up and hand all over to a Power never forsaking you as you've done time and again.
We can make agreements before incarnating to help one another grow - they can be challenging but not meant to be abusive or degrading. When plans go awry they can teach us in ways like no other. Unfairness is acutely felt when experienced. Those who impose unfairness will face its effects in their day, too. We may seek wisdom though our grievances and heal, mourn, live beyond whatever great pain we've faced & live better because of it. How can this happen? We know this is Spirit in action when we allow Spirit to act.
Your commitment to manifest more of your spirituality will yield results and the Greater God will help you shed negative conditions when the time is right, in sequence. If you have it within you to Love more, you'll be given the opportunity to do so, unencumbered -- freely and happily! Learn the lesson of now, but be ready for more. Every effort, tear, struggle is not in vain. If your purview doesn't contain a deep and intimate connection with a force beyond all of us, to which we all belong, you can't yet know the results of such a gift. Just know it will be better than you can imagine, for this is how Spirit rolls.
The mantra is growth, growth, growth! If you've been taught to be cruel to yourself/others you'll have to overcome this. The opportunities for you to do so might be exceptionally uncomfortable or ugly but the blood-letting cloak of condemnation is a costume you can't afford to keep wearing, therefore; run that gauntlet, get knocked down, rail(!), then get back up however many times you need to -- to WIN. When it's over don't forget to pat yourself on the back for shrugging and shaking the demon you adopted as your own before you knew to what/whom you were bowing your head and betraying your being.
You are loved beyond comprehension. Thus, Love anyway, without reason or qualification. Answers as to why you should Love I could give spanning several months of writing but Love is BEYOND reason or comprehension. Reasons don't matter: It's the DOING of it that matters. Putting love on hold (when loving is your nature, closer, it's your composition) while you "figure it out" is ludicrous. It's simply another way of punishing by continuing to withhold love. Don't you deserve better? Quit collaborating with the calamity seeking to overthrow your sovereign spiritual birthright.
Darkness can't overtake you forever and pretty soon you'll tire of bending over and handing the broom to anything/anyone who encourages you to maintain your giant growing gnawing poisonous mass of shame to which you cling as your identity. It's not "O ye of little faith," it's "O ye who have such faith that you suck." Pardon the sardonic dig, cringe if you must, but, time to confront what you've been feeding and nurturing with your blood, your sweat, your very life. While you may have been trained to do so, as your awareness widens you'll arrive at a point of recognizing a choice must be made to save yourself from yourself.
You have to do the work, no proxy, and finally give one's life, worries, woes, celebration, delight all over to Spirit - which may sound simplistic - but is far from simple. To flow with the omnipresent intelligence of the Universe is the ideal to which we're all striving and we ascend not confined to our current understanding but in total expansion to become what we're meant to be which is, in fact, what we already are, we're just figuring out the "how"!
Spiritual epiphanies are most often personal, private happenings. When we bring God into our hearts and minds we are suddenly a power-packed vehicle for good and needn't depend on others to act as middle man in our individual precious relationship with the parentage we all share.
Groups are nice. They have their place. At some point I would like to meet in person with you of the "kindred kumbaya" to share in synchronous movement meditation engaging internal techniques as something magical happens that can't be recreated alone. Meetings like this are necessary but they are but one form of expression, of many, in our activation of Love and the bulk of the work occurs in solitude. When you're alone with your thoughts, moment-to-moment, what is your quality of life? Are you living in a reverent spontaneous blessed flow, or do you stress and create an experience of non-stop resistance to life?
Do you struggle with a lack of trust beginning with yourself and, as it must follow, life? Do you expect the trope-y crap to hit the fan - further still - are you throwing your crap at the fan??! If you're certain doom looms waiting to pounce and foil all your effort and hope, you're still deficit living; limiting yourself and keeping yourself down. Know this: Whatever you need to kick your false convictions over and become the Divine child of Light you actually are will happen -- nobody gets left behind!
Do your part by not succumbing but turning to that which strengthens you. The more decisions you make from this heavenly place the more you will reveal the Diving Being you truly are, lit from within, instead of stumbling blindly in the dark groping for answers outside yourself, always getting hurt, falling, failing, flailing; cursing the dark when you don't realize you can turn a light on... You don't even know there's a switch.